Monday 16 June 2008

Super-grandpa designs custom browser for his autistic grandchild

Zacbrowswe This is how to be a grandpa. 

When John LeSieur saw his 6-year-old grandson Zackary, who is autistic, getting frustrated when he tried to use a computer, LeSieur decided to take some initiative. He built the boy a custom-made browser. 

The Zac, or "Zone for Autistic Children," provides a window onto the Web that is trimmed of excessive motion and complexity, allowing children with the condition to navigate certain sites without becoming overwhelmed by noisy stimuli. 

Zackary, who doesn't speak much, has begun using the browser and is able to start it by himself. "He enjoys listening to music through the program and trying puzzles," his mother told AP tech writer Brian Bergstein,"things he always liked before but hadn't been able to explore online."

(image from

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